:Project Roku:Main » 2008 » October » 08
Make for really stale tv. I gotta tell ya, for a presidental debate, I was very surprised at how bored I was this time around. Both sides made their points, and I still am undecided. What else is new? One thing I'm sure of...the "rescue plan" was a bad idea. I don't understand why people would wanna pay for the mistakes of others. Yeah, I sound selfish. But hey, it's my money ain't it? And as part of "The People" I felt completely helpless as the folks running the country voted for this 700 billion dollar behemouth. I guess we'll see how it all goes though. Later days party people! E.V.I.L. (Every. Villain. Is. Lemons.) -"Grandad,you can't bride the white man with government cheese!"
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